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Arhivele Olteniei” is an academic journal published by the “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, of the Romanian Academy, that appears once a year.

The first series of the review came out between 1922-1943. The present series became visible again starting with the year 1981. The authors take upon themselves the responsibility for the ideas expressed in the published materials.

Arhivele Olteniei” is a peer-reviewed academic publication addressed to professors, researchers and doctoral students interested in the study humanities. The journal will be published, in December, the Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN – L: 1015-9118; ISSN (Print): 1015-9118; ISSN (Online): 2558-8435.

Open Access Policy. This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing to the public a free access to research will contribute to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Arhivele Olteniei” does not charge processing fees from the author(s). All articles published by journal are made freely and permanently accessible online after the publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

Issue number: 200 copies.