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Home / New Series no. 33/2019 / ALEXANDRA NACU, Asigurarea ordinii publice prin prevenirea şi sancţionarea faptelor de tâlhărie în perioada secolelor XVIII–XIX: Incriminarea tâlhăriei în Codul Penal al lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza (Ensuring Public Order by Preventing and Punishing Robbery During the 18th–19th Centuries: Incrimination of Robbery in the Criminal Code of Alexandru Ioan Cuza)

ALEXANDRA NACU, Asigurarea ordinii publice prin prevenirea şi sancţionarea faptelor de tâlhărie în perioada secolelor XVIII–XIX: Incriminarea tâlhăriei în Codul Penal al lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza (Ensuring Public Order by Preventing and Punishing Robbery During the 18th–19th Centuries: Incrimination of Robbery in the Criminal Code of Alexandru Ioan Cuza)

Doctorand, Universitatea din Craiova,

During the analyzed period, over 150 years, there was a constant struggle of the Romanian authorities to maintain public order. This was a necessity both for the safety of the inhabitants as well as for that of foreign travelers and for the development of trade and crafts. If the order had not been imposed, it would have come to chaos, to the desolation of the country, to the fleeing of the inhabitants who could not have lived here. In order to achieve this goal the rulers imposed the written law, a barrier to abuse, as well as a series of police measures to defend public order. However, these measures were not sufficient; crimes were perpetuated due to poverty, due to the misconduct and wrongdoings of the Phanariot rulers and those around them, and subsequently because of the disorientation among the population caused by the transformations in the social, political, economic environment. The great merit of Prince Cuza was to be able to create such legislation so that the legal norms laid the foundations of a modern Romanian state in which public order and security were better secured.
A particularly serious offense, which affects not only the individual, but also the public order and the safety of the citizens, the robbery receives a detailed regulation in the Criminal Code of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The legislator criminalizes, on the one hand, the crime of robbery in a simple form and, on the other hand, the crime of robbery in a qualified form, as well as the aggravating circumstances, which denotes the innovative vision of this criminal law.

Criminal Code, crime, public order, punishment / sanction, robbery

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