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Home / New Series no. 35/2021 / ALEXANDRU CERNAT, Vizite la Craiova ale cuplului princiar Carol I și Elisabeta în contextul Războiului de Independență (1877–1878) / Visits to Craiova of the princely couple Charles I and Elisabeth in the context of the War of Independence (1877–1878)

ALEXANDRU CERNAT, Vizite la Craiova ale cuplului princiar Carol I și Elisabeta în contextul Războiului de Independență (1877–1878) / Visits to Craiova of the princely couple Charles I and Elisabeth in the context of the War of Independence (1877–1878)

Doctorand, Școala Doctorală de Științe Sociale și Umaniste, Universitatea din Craiova;
E-mail: acernat.email@gmail.com

The War of Independence represents for the modern history of the Romanians one of the key moments. Close to military events, the city of
Craiova also had a special role. By studying the visits to Craiova of the princely couple Charles I and Elisabeth during those events, we can outline an image of planning high-ranking visits in a difficult context caused by the war. The local authorities made a special effort for the logistical preparation of those visits, so that the ceremonial and the reception protocol could be fulfilled. At the same time, during those visits, a series of local institutions were inspected: hospitals, schools etc. The presence of Charles I in Craiova, sometimes with Elisabeth, remained for the people of Craiova a symbolic moment, a moment of joy in a difficult period caused by the war.

Ceremonial, Craiova, Charles I, Elisabeth, War of Independence

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