Cercetător ştiinţific III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;
In the spiritual culture of the Romanian people, the fir tree is considered a sacred tree, an axis mundi that makes the conection between sky and earth. Charged with sacred valences, the tree accompanies the human being in major moments of life and is also present in rituals in the cycle of calendar activities or in ritual manifestations related to the adoration of the stars.
Because of its attributes of giant, vertical, eternal green and immortal tree, the tree occupies an important place in the wedding ceremony, where it is a substitute for the groom. In the way it is decorated during the wedding, the tree represents the energy, the health, the power, the features of the future man. Also, as a symbol of longevity and eternity, the contact with the fir tree will send the actress to the ceremony this quality, in the case of the wedding that expresses the idea of a lasting marriage.
Oltenia, traditional mentality, the fir, symbolism, the wedding ritual.