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Home / New Series no. 34/2020 / ANCA CEAUȘESCU, Obiceiuri şi practici rituale privind fertilitatea pământului (Ritual habits and practices regarding ground’s fertility)

ANCA CEAUȘESCU, Obiceiuri şi practici rituale privind fertilitatea pământului (Ritual habits and practices regarding ground’s fertility)

Cercetător ştiinţific III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;

Within agricultural habits, fertility rites form a significant category, focusing more on ensuring normal rainfall conditions. In this article we will focus on Caloian,a magical-ritual practice of triggering precipitation (but also to stop them, in certain situations), conserved in the oral tradition of the Romanian people and practiced close to our days. The habit of Caloian is one of the most interesting and complex folklore manifestations of the archaic type. The main element of the custom is the doll made of clay, mud, rags or old patches, which replaces either a pluviometric divinity, either a messenger sent to the pluviometric divinity for starting or stopping rains.

agrarian habits, Caloian, fertility rites, popular mentalit

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