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Home / New Series no. 33/2019 / ANGELICA NECŞULEA, Forme ale rezistenţei femeilor din Oltenia rurală în perioada 1916-1917 (Forms of Resistance of Women in Rural Oltenia Between 1916-1917)

ANGELICA NECŞULEA, Forme ale rezistenţei femeilor din Oltenia rurală în perioada 1916-1917 (Forms of Resistance of Women in Rural Oltenia Between 1916-1917)

Doctorand al Universităţii „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca;

The present article aims to present the partisans’ fight from the occupied Oltenia during the 1916-1917 period. The reaction of the German authorities was very tough, the group led by Victor Popescu was constantly pursued and attacked. All those who had the closest connection to the group (regardless of their gender) were investigated, arrested, sentenced to death. This paper pays tribute to the simple women in the villages of Oltenia who joined the partisans’ movement and did not betray the Romanian cause. The Romanian state has never decorated them. They remained only in the memory of the community.

women from rural areas, resistance, partisan movement in Oltenia, Victor Popescu, humiliations, German army.

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