Coordonator cultural-ştiinţific, dr., Academia Română, Muzeul de Artă Veche Apuseană, Bucureşti;
The present study continues the series of mythanalysis dedicated to the symbols of intimacy in the Romanian fairy tale, some published, others pending publication. The mythanalitic pretext in the article is a famous medieval mythical motif, having as a leitmotif the inappropriate love, specifically Tristan and Isolde. This motif which over time has fueled the imagination of historians and artists entered, getting not knowing how or when, the fantastic epic of Romanian fairy tale to. This aspect once again talks about the ability to adapt of the Romanian cultural mentality to out-group cultural-symbolic languages. Starting from the presentation of the medieval story, I tried to observe the dynamics, the ontological heaviness and the symbolic significance of this mythical-medieval motif at the level of the Romanian fairy tales I discovered. The focus of my analysis is on the adaptations/innovations brought by the new cultural system.
Romanian fairy tale, imaginary, hermeneutics, Tristan and Isolde motif.