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Home / New Series no. 31/2017 / DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU, Educaţia tineretului prin sport în timpul regelui Carol al II-lea: începutul organizării fotbalului rural în Oltenia (1938-1940) (Education of youth thru sport durring king Carol II: begining of organisation of rural footbal in Oltenia county (1938-1940))

DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU, Educaţia tineretului prin sport în timpul regelui Carol al II-lea: începutul organizării fotbalului rural în Oltenia (1938-1940) (Education of youth thru sport durring king Carol II: begining of organisation of rural footbal in Oltenia county (1938-1940))

Cercetător ştiinţific III dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” al Academiei Române, dinCraiova,

One of the most important fields from King Carol II’s program that, between 1938 and 1940, targeted the reformation of the Romanian society was the youth’s education in all activity areas, having fix the idea that the youth represented the future of Romania. In this context, using information coming from archive documents, we have tried to analyse the organisation of football in the rural areas and highlight the fact that practising the sport in an organised and controlled environment by the carlist authorities represented one of the priorities of the royal dictatorship regime.

sport, football, youth’s education, King Carol II, Oltenia.

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