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Home / New Series no. 35/2021 / DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU, Modernizarea societăţii româneşti: campaniile sanitare din judeţul Vâlcea (1938–1940) / Romanian Society Modernization: Sanitary Campaigns of County Vâlcea (1938–1940)

DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU, Modernizarea societăţii româneşti: campaniile sanitare din judeţul Vâlcea (1938–1940) / Romanian Society Modernization: Sanitary Campaigns of County Vâlcea (1938–1940)

Cercetător științific III dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;

In this paper are analysed, principally, on base of the archive documents information’s, the sanitary campaigns from 1938–1940 in County
Vâlcea. These campaigns constituted, on the whole, a number of landmark socio-sanitary measures and actions, designed to propagate in the human communities the minimum norms of the collective and individual hygiene, which improved the health and life conditions of the population. Also, sanitary campaigns can be considered a starting point for the modernization of households and the common spaces for public use and of the medical and sanitary infrastructure. These have been implemented thru a conjugated action of the state’s institutions (administration, county services of Health Ministry, Social Service and cultural houses – cămine culturale etc.) with the support and by involvement of local communities.

sanitary campaigns, modernization, health, quality of life, cultural houses

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