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Home / New Series no. 34/2020 / DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU, Taberele de muncă de folos obştesc ale premilitarilor din ţinutul Olt organizate în cadrul serviciului social (1939) (Work camps of community use of the premilitary in the Olt county organized within social service (1939))

DIANA-MIHAELA PĂUNOIU, Taberele de muncă de folos obştesc ale premilitarilor din ţinutul Olt organizate în cadrul serviciului social (1939) (Work camps of community use of the premilitary in the Olt county organized within social service (1939))

Cercetător științific III dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor”, Craiova,
E-mail: dianamihaelapaunoiu@yahoo.com

Being an alternative to legionnaire camps, voluntary organized, in the years 1933–1937, work camps of community use of the premilitary were thought and created with the purpose of spreading, in the frame organized and controlled by the authorities, the culture of work within the ranks of youth between 18–20 years old, to help them form the skill to work in a team, to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge regarding rational and organized labour, that will be useful on long term to them, and by extension, to local communities, to obtain a certain discipline and learn to develop the spirit of social solidarity. Also, these camps could be framed as being part of the complex project of modernisation of Romanian village of witch the main promoter was Dimitrie Gusti, the project that became institutionalized in 1938, when the Social Service was created. Starting with these considerations, in this study are reconstituted and analysis, mainly based on the archive documents, the work camps of community use organized with the premilitary from Olt County, within Social Service in 1939. The analyse is focused on central authorities instructions regarding the organisation and the work program of the premilitary camps, and also on the exact situation in territory, on the effective achievements of the camps and the reasons that made these camps more or less successful.

work camps of community use, Premilitary Training, Social Service, village modernisation, King Carol II

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