Cercetător ştiinţific III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” al Academiei Române, din Craiova;
The article tries to highlight the importance of several customs specific to summer and to Oltenia region. From the begining of the summer, 11 august -28 august we celebrate the Saint Petru and Saint Pavel’s fasting. On 24th of June on celebrate Saint John and Sânzienele, with many customs and symbols. Particular form summer, there are few customs with mobile appearance, such as Caloianul și Paparuda, two customs intended to bring rains during summer’s drought. A central figure from the Romanian Saints is Saint Ilie, who is celebrated on 20thof July. During summer, there are also two weeks of fasting for Saint Mary. Starting with this day, there are few changes regarding the weather, the birds behavior, the eye seeks for autumn signs. The 1st of September represents the beginning of a new year for church. Tradition change little in time or is reinvented, but a connection with the significant past always remains.
Oltenia, popular calendar, Saint Mary, the post of Saint Petru and Saint Pavel, Saint Ilie