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Home / New Series no. 30/2016 / GEORGETA GHIONEA, Instituţii cooperatiste în judeţul Gorj, în intervalul 1918-1948

GEORGETA GHIONEA, Instituţii cooperatiste în judeţul Gorj, în intervalul 1918-1948

Cercetător ştiinţific III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. NicolăescuPlopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;

It is difficult to make appreciations regarding the number of the co-operative institutions from Gorj County, for the period 1918-1948, because their registration in the statistic data of that epoch was done inadequately. Although they were obliged to publish in that time’s newspapers their financial situation, the small co-operative institutions did not
send periodically the balance situation, determining in this way imminent fluctuations as regarding their number. In Gorj County, during the period of time mentioned, besides the forms of co-operative association conceived especially for credit operations, there were also organized co-operative institutions meant to stimulate the productive activities, those that were supposed to render valuable and to commercialize the agricultural resources. Nonetheless, through the collective farming, the state tried to solve the problems related to the qualitative and cheap merchandise supplying of the localities.

Gorj County, co-operative institutions, credit, economy

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