Cercet. şt. III, dr. Georgeta Ghionea, Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S.Nicolăescu-Plopşor”al Academiei Române, din Craiova;
Beginning with the second half of the XIXth century, the publishing efforts of some journals, magazines and booklets were increased due to Romanian Orthodox Church patronage, being published or just guided by their representatives. Studying the ecclesiastic press, proved to be a way to reveal the issues that Church came across with during time; the manner that the priest involved in his parishioners’ lives, also the way that certain social, political and cultural events were perceived at country side and not only. The economic articles were well framed within religious press, published between 1890-1945. The information regarding farming the land, or introducing of some new plants like linen or cotton, or even agricultural seasonal activities, pomiculture, viticulture and apiculture also the advantages offered by modern economy are frequently encountered among the studied journals.
Oltenia, press, journalists, economy, society