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Home / New Series no. 31/2017 / IUSTINA BURCI, Profilul etnic al toponimiei olteneşti actuale (The ethnic profile of the toponymy from Oltenia)

IUSTINA BURCI, Profilul etnic al toponimiei olteneşti actuale (The ethnic profile of the toponymy from Oltenia)

Cercetător ştiinţific II, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” al Academiei Române, din Craiova;

In the Toponymical Dictionary of Romania. Oltenia, there were registered a series of toponyms that are based on the names of some populations, different ethnically from the autochthonous one. The analysis of these names requires a special attention, because a great deal of them did not emerge as a consequence of our living together with the peoples that crossed the territory of Romania, but they are intermediated from the anthroponomical or toponymical point of view, or result from nicknames.
In the present work, we intend to display all these names and to analyse them according to the aspect of the lexical or etymological diversity, and the frequency of their emerging.

migration, toponymy, ethnic character, transfer, frequency

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