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Home / New Series no. 32/2018 / LAURA ANTOANETA SAVA, Din contribuţia filosofilor români la afirmarea demnităţii umane [From the contribution of the Romanian philosophers to the assertion of human dignity]

LAURA ANTOANETA SAVA, Din contribuţia filosofilor români la afirmarea demnităţii umane [From the contribution of the Romanian philosophers to the assertion of human dignity]

Cercetător ştiinţific III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolăescu Plopşor”, Craiova, al Academiei Române;
E-mail: savaantoaneta@yahoo.com

For the purpose of forming a general image about the evolution of the concept of human dignity, this paper presents the main ethical-philosophical conceptions in the Romanian space. They reflect the spiritual and physical strength of the Romanians, their stillness in the vortex of history, the pride of recognizing and affirming their origins, their willingness to preserve cultural traditions and spiritual values, to aiming to better, truth and beauty. Romanian thinkers, from chroniclers to contemporary philosophers, particularly emphasized the moral value of man and the role played by education, science, culture and art in the development of the human personality.

conception, dignity, human being, personality, Romanian

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