Cercetător ştiinţific III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. NicolăescuPlopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;
E-mail: lorelayy2007@yahoo.com
The attitudes and the gestures performed in the funerary ritual, along with the popular creations, which bear the value of verbal rites, have a strong symbolic efficiency, connected to the desire to re-establish the equilibrium and to integrate the pure-white traveller into the community of the forefathers. The funerary text is based on a complex
ritual of initiation, in which the passed-away is guided, in his post-existential journey. Among the motives reflected in the text of the lament, that referring to the leaving of the earthly house is richly illustrated. The variants of laments include structural and stereotypical thematic rules, along with improvisation, as regarding the existence on earth
of the deceased, the circumstances of their death or the relation between the defunct and the community.
funerary ceremony, laments, the ceremonial-ritual songs, «Leaving the earthly house» motive.