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Home / New Series no. 29/2015 / NARCISA MARIA MITU, Rolul bisericii Madona Dudu în ceremonialul sărbătorilor naţionale organizate la Craiova (The Role of Madona Dudu Church in the National Holidays Organized at Craiova)

NARCISA MARIA MITU, Rolul bisericii Madona Dudu în ceremonialul sărbătorilor naţionale organizate la Craiova (The Role of Madona Dudu Church in the National Holidays Organized at Craiova)

Cercet. şt. III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;

It is well known that the Romanian Orthodox Church has been always involved in the problems of the community. An important role belongs to the religious ceremony during the nat ional holidays, a succesfull framework that brought together notables and citizens.
In this study I tried to offer a research perspective on how was constructed a festive community framework in Craiova around the most important moments of the birth of the modern Romania such as: January 24, 1859 (the Romanian Principalities Unification) and May 10 (Carol I’ entrance and the Independence Day).

Church, Madona Dudu, Craiova, national holidays, January 24th, May 10.

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