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Home / New Series no. 30/2016 / OANA ANDREIA SÂMBRIAN, Diego de Estrada şi informaţiile sale despre Transilvania

OANA ANDREIA SÂMBRIAN, Diego de Estrada şi informaţiile sale despre Transilvania

Cercetător ştiinţific III, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;

In this new article about the information provided by the Renaissant Spanish soldier, Diego de Estrada, about Transylvania, we focus our attention on translating all the fragments where Estrada presents his Transylvanian experience, both the credible and the less credible details. Our analytical intervention is reduced to a minimum, in order to let the information speak for itself.

Diego de Estrada, Spain, Transylvanian, cultural history, comparative study

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