Cercetător ştiinţific III dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor”, Craiova, al Academiei Române;
E-mail: oana.sambrian@gmail.com
Our article focuses on the image given by Lope de Vega to the 15th century Catholic Kings, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabelle of Castille, two of the most important creators of modern Spain together with their grandson, Charles I. In order to demonstrate the different patterns and cliches that circulated in the Spanish Golden Age about these monarchs we have selected different plays in order to determine what was the nature, as well as the inspiration and/or echo of their image.
Lope de Vega, Spain, Ferdinand of Aragon, Isabela of Castile, 15th century.