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Home / New Series no. 29/2015 / PETRE OPRIŞ, Motoare britanice sau sovietice pentru avionul militar IAR-95 (British or Soviet Engines for IAR-95 Fighter)

PETRE OPRIŞ, Motoare britanice sau sovietice pentru avionul militar IAR-95 (British or Soviet Engines for IAR-95 Fighter)

Locotenent-colonel (în rezervă), doctor în istorie;

In the late 1970s the Romanian engineers started to work for the first Romanian supersonic fighter, named IAR-95. The main problem of this project was the lack of a powerful engine. Nicolae Ceauşescu tried to convince Rolls Royce Company and the Soviet authorities to sell an engine licence for IAR-95 but he didn’t obtain anything. The Romanian leader was interested to project this fighter together with Yugoslav engineers as well but with no success. The project was cancelled after 1989 due to lack of funds.

Ceauşescu, fighter, IAR-95, MIG-23, Rolls Royce, Romania, USSR.

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Mihaela Bărbieru, Ileana Cioarec, Repere istorice şi culturale: aspiraţii, certitudini şi perspective (Historical and Cultural References. Urges, Certainties and Perspectives), Craiova, Editura Sitech, 2015, 440 p. (Anca Ceaușescu)

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