Cercetător onorific dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor”; Locotenent-colonel (în rezervă);
In the states of Central and Eastern Europe, where the Soviet authorities installed communist political leaders after the World War II, there was a general problem of progress in the manufacture of engines for various vehicles. In the harsh ideological dispute during the Cold War, the demagogic speaches of the communist leaders did not have the power to reduce the major technological gap between the communist countries and the developed states from West. Moreover, they led to very expensive and, in some cases, useless solutions, and the communist politicians eventually approved both the purchase of manufacturing licenses in the West and the theft of technology from the capitalist states in order to copy products in the factories of their countries.
engine, Poland, Romania, the East Germany, the Soviet Union, vehicle