Dr. Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea din Craiova, Avocat, Baroul Dolj;
E-mail: razvan.scafes@yahoo.com
The consumerist movement has developed the consumer law with the primary aim of raising consumers’ awareness of the commercial practices considered harmful to them, the characteristics of the goods and services and the effects that they have on the consumer and his wealth. In addition, the right of consumption, by defining specific principles and consumer rights, will create the full legal protection framework before the courts. Recovering the informational and economic gap and seeking a legal balance is the primary purpose of consumer law, that also envisages the possibility for consumers to appeal to the courts if their rights have been violated. The purpose of consumer law is part of a generalized approach at European level to establish a comprehensive system of consumer protection, at a time when digital space and distance signed contracts are developing at a particular alertpace. Awareness of the need to recover the contractual legal balance, including in the pre-contractual period, is an important element in the development of modern legislation protecting the individual as well as in the smooth functioning of the European internal market.
consumer, consumerism, consumer law, consumer economy, professionals