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Home / New Series no. 34/2020 / SABIN POPOVICI, SIMONA LAZĂR, Consideraţii cu privire la ceramica culturii Dudeşti din Oltenia (Considerations regarding the ceramics of Dudeşti culture from Oltenia)

SABIN POPOVICI, SIMONA LAZĂR, Consideraţii cu privire la ceramica culturii Dudeşti din Oltenia (Considerations regarding the ceramics of Dudeşti culture from Oltenia)

Muzeograf, dr., Muzeul Romanaţiului – Caracal;

Cercetător științific III, dr. Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor”, Craiova, al Academiei Române;

During the developed Neolithic period (5 500–5 000 a. Chr), the Dudeşti culture evolved on the territory of the region Oltenia. This culture is very important for the Romanian Neo-Eneolithic because it represents, along with other elements, the basis on which the cultures of the early Eneolithic, Vădastra and Boian were formed.
The researches conducted in this area, mainly by the archaeologist Marin Nica, led to the discover of a large number of artifacts, of which pottery occupies a significant share. The stylistic-typological analysis performed on the ceramic material discovered in the settlements belonging to the Dudești culture from Oltenia, allows us to outline a periodization of the mentioned culture on two phases of evolution, one early and the other developed.

neolithic, archaeological culture, Dudeşti, pottery, stratigraphy.

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