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Home / New Series no. 35/2021 / SIMONA LAZĂR, Catalogul descoperirilor ceramice hallstattiene timpurii din Oltenia.II (H-V) / Catalog of early Hallstatt ceramic finds from Oltenia. II (H–V)

SIMONA LAZĂR, Catalogul descoperirilor ceramice hallstattiene timpurii din Oltenia.II (H-V) / Catalog of early Hallstatt ceramic finds from Oltenia. II (H–V)

Cercetător ştiinţific III dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;

In this article we will present the second part of the catalog of sites where pottery from the beginning of the Iron Age was discovered. The discoveries are characterized by the presence of the ceramics grooved, Vârtop type or the imprinted ceramics of Insula Banului type. The chronology of the Early Iron Age from Oltenia has a first stage characterized by the grooved ceramics; it might be dated, in the absolute chronology, roughly, in the 12th – 11th centuries B.C. The second stage, with imprinted ceramics of Insula Banului – Gornea – Kalakača type is dated in the 10th – 9th centuries B.C.

Oltenia, Iron Age, ceramics, the archaeological discoveries

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