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Home / New Series no. 31/2017 / Simona LAZĂR, Seceri de bronz descoperite la sfârşitul epocii bronzului şi începutul epocii fierului în Oltenia (Bronze sickles found at the end of the bronze age and early iron age in Oltenia)

Simona LAZĂR, Seceri de bronz descoperite la sfârşitul epocii bronzului şi începutul epocii fierului în Oltenia (Bronze sickles found at the end of the bronze age and early iron age in Oltenia)

Cercet. şt. III dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” al Academiei Române, din Craiova, E-mail:

At the end of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age in the area under discussion, we find three types of sickles: with button,with tongue-shaped handle and hook. They are present inisolated discoveries and more frequently in bronze deposits. In Oltenia,tools of this type were discovered at: Drăguţeşti (Gorj County), Govora, Grebleşti –Boişoara, Sacoţi (Vâlcea County), Jupalnic, Ostrovul Mare, Oreviţa Mare, Sviniţa (Mehedinţi County).
The practical function of the holes (harvesting grains, hayetc.)was supplemented by the cultic or votive uses.

bronze sickles, Oltenia, late of the Bronze Age, early Iron Age, cultic uses

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