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Home / New Series no. 35/2021 / TEODOR OANCĂ, Antroponime românești derivate cu sufixul -ache, origine și distribuție teritorială / Romanian Anthroponyms Derived with the Suffix -ache, Their Origin and Territorial Distribution

TEODOR OANCĂ, Antroponime românești derivate cu sufixul -ache, origine și distribuție teritorială / Romanian Anthroponyms Derived with the Suffix -ache, Their Origin and Territorial Distribution

Cercetător onorific dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor”;

The influence of deriving Romanian anthroponyms with the suffix –ache began in the 16-th century. In the 19-th century the
anthroponyms derived with this suffix functioned initially as bynames and then, in 1895, according to The Name Law, they became official surnames, transmitted from generation to generation through the male line.

the suffix –ache, surname, byname, nicknames

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