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Home / New Series no. 29/2015 / TUDOR NEDELCEA, Andersen şi românii (Andersen and the Romanians)

TUDOR NEDELCEA, Andersen şi românii (Andersen and the Romanians)

Cercetător ştiinţific I, dr., Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” din Craiova, al Academiei Române;

The article aims at an overview of the famous Danish writer and, especially, of his travel diary, The Bazar of a poet, published in 1842. This journal, appreciated in his country, is the result of his trip on the Danube from Constanta to Vienna, describing the Romanian landscapes, the local people, customs, traditions, mentalities etc.
Andersen is one of the first Universal writers who introduces Romanian provinces, local ethnographic elements, habits etc., in world literature.

Andresen, Romanians, literature, travel, descriptions.

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Mihaela Bărbieru, Ileana Cioarec, Repere istorice şi culturale: aspiraţii, certitudini şi perspective (Historical and Cultural References. Urges, Certainties and Perspectives), Craiova, Editura Sitech, 2015, 440 p. (Anca Ceaușescu)

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