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Home / New Series no. 31/2017 / VALENTIN MAIER, Dezvoltarea învăţământului superior de chimie în perioada 1974-1989 (The development of the chemistry higher education between 1974-1989)

VALENTIN MAIER, Dezvoltarea învăţământului superior de chimie în perioada 1974-1989 (The development of the chemistry higher education between 1974-1989)

Asistent de cercetare, Muzeul Universităţii din Bucureşti,

Higher education in Romania entered in a new development stage after 1948, with the main aim of supporting the economic development by training specialized workforce. Although the political control was exerted also in this domain of activity, many new types of higher education and new institutions and specializations were developed, and the number of students and graduates increased. One of these types was the chemistry higher education.
After 1974 and the introduction of domains/profiles of specializations in the Romanian higher education, the chemistry higher education entered a new development stage. With the creation of the National Institute for Chemistry, the last higher education institution created in communism, along with other measures of reorganization, a sustained polytechnization process was aimed. The high number of chemistry specializations and institutions hosting them is also an indicator of a special statute that chemistry had in the communist Romania, higher education system trying to reflect and respond to the economical development and demands. All these aspects will constitute the subject of the following pages, and the argumentation is sustained with archival documents, legislative acts and statistical data.

communism, higher education, institutions, specializations, chemistry

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