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Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing to the public a free access to research will contribute to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Arhivele Olteniei ensures the integrity and transparency of each article.

Copyright Agreement

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
– authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication in print and online.
– authors grant „Arhivele Olteniei” rights to integrate the work, its title, and its abstract in databases, abstracting and indexing services, and other similar information sources.

All journal content (titles, abstracts, keywords, author affiliations and the full text of articles) is availablefreely and can be read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and linked to, provided that all quotations indicate clearly journal title, number and name of the author/authors.
CC BY-NC 4.0 allows users to copy and distribute the article, provided that this does not make commercial purposes.

Licenţa Creative Commons
This work is provided under Licenţa Creative Commons Atribuire-Necomercial 4.0 Internațional .