Instructions for Authors
- Drafting conditions
- All materials must contain 8-14 pages and should be sent to the following addresses:,,
- Format: B5 JIS
- Papers should be written in Romanian or in English, 11-point Times New Roman, single line spacing.
- Footnotes should be written at the bottom of page, continuous numbering, 9-point Times New Roman, single line spacing
- Papers should be accompanied by a summary and 5 keywords in English
- Articles should be organized using some or all of the following headings: Title (in Romanian and in English) – Author (the scientific degree, didactic title, affiliation institution in the bottom of page) – Abstract – Keywords – Content of the paper – Bibliography.
- Provided that the material has images, tables or other graphic elements included, it is necessary to also send them in separate files (“jpeg” format). The editorial staff have the right to modify the graphic material. The manuscripts that are accompanied by graphic materials must have a List of the illustrations and references about their place and succession in the text (or at the end of the text), along with indications depicting what the illustrations represent.
- The editorial staff do not accept materials without a critical apparatus.
- References
- Papers should contain only footnotes, in continuous numbering.
- In the content of the note, the order of the data is as follows: author’s first name, family name, title of the work (in italics), volume, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page.
- In some cases, the publisher does not mention the year of publication. Then, instead of the year, enter w.y. (=without year).
Examples: Cezar Avram, Regimuri politice comparate. Fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, Craiova, Aius Publishing, 2008, pp. 42-44.
- If in the notes are made more references to the same work, proceed as follows:
- When reference is made immediately after the first mention of the work, the data is substituted by Ibidem,after which, when necessary, mention the page number(s).
- When a new reference to the same work follows after several footnotes, give only the name of the author, the rest of the data being supplemented by op. cit. (with italics), followed by the page number(s).
- When an author is cited with several works, interspersed with other footnotes, give the name of the author, title of the work (which may be abbreviated, in italics), then the page number(s).
- When an author is cited, successively, with several papers, his name is replaced by
- When the author quotes not from a primary source, but from another book, enter the word apud (after).
- An author can be put in a position to cite information from a large number of pages of a single work. To avoid the risk of introducing a multitude of footnotes, may introduce, in this case, a single footnote in which, instead of page numbers, is inserted the term passim (everywhere).
- Cezar Avram, Regimuri politice comparate. Fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, Craiova, Aius Publishing, 2008, p. 112.
2. Ibidem.
3. Ibidem,pp. 120-126.
4. Idem, Istoria politică a Europei secolelor XIX şi XX, Craiova, Reduta Publishing, 2003, p. 28.
5. Apud Cezar Avram, Roxana Radu, Evoluţia istorică a reglementărilor privind relaţiile de muncă în România, in „Arhivele Olteniei”, Serie nouă, nr. 22/2008, Bucureşti, Romanian Academy Publishnig, 2008, pp. 181-204.
6. Cezar Avram, Democraţii contemporane comparate, Craiova, Universitaria Publishing, 2003, passim.
- Where is cited a study from a periodical, the name of the periodical should be written in normal letters between quotation marks, and the study’s title in italics. Roman numerals indicate the number of years of publication.
Example: Simona Lazăr, Observaţii cu privire la armamentulofensiv de la sfârşitul epocii bronzului şi începutul epocii fierului în sud-vestul României, in „Arhivele Olteniei”, New Series, no 25/2011, Bucharest, Romanin Academy Publishing, pp.7-21.
- where is it cited a study published in a volume, proceed according to the following pattern:
Example: Anca Ceauşescu, Simona Lazăr, Lăcaşuri de cult din sudul Olteniei, in Mihaela Bărbieru, Roxana Radu, Lucian Dindirică (coord.), Biserică şi societate. Paradigme, interpretări implicaţii, Târgovişte, Cetatea de Scaun Publising, 2015, pp. 163-169.
- Internet sites can become sources available for scientific research. In their citation, indicate the date of access, since it is assumed that a site may be subject to periodic changes:
Example: See, accessed at: February 3, 2015.