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All articles published in the journal will be the double-blind reviewing in order to ensure qualitative scientific research. All articles submitted are normally sent to blind reviewers which are asked to maintain the quality standards of the journal. The reviewers and the author remain anonymous throughout the process. Each submission is refereed to reviewers according to their expertise, methodological and contents area of professional experience.

Each article submitted for publication will be reviewed by two independent reviewers in the field with double blind peer-reviewed system. Based on their review reports, executive editors issue their final decision, reserving the right to reject the manuscript. The author is notified of the result of the review process no later than 4 months from the date of receipt of the manuscript.

Where reviewers assess the paper positively, the text is returned to the author together with requirements for alterations to be made in the text. The editors also specify a deadline for implementing the recommendations of the review reports and resubmission of the text. The author is notified of acceptance of the reworked version within one month from its submission to the editors.

Manuscripts are not returned to authors if not published. Editorial Board reserves the right to select those studies and articles that prove to be original contributions in the field of historical research.